Business Development with a prospect.

Those working in sales love nothing more than making good money, right? Generate revenue for the company, earn more commission, live a better lifestyle etc. That’s why we do it! That’s also why we don’t stop when the clock turns six; the longer we work, the more we earn, the earlier we retire, right? I hope so. However, there is a process to follow when generating revenue and it often starts with business development to assess growth opportunities within and between organisations. Though it doesn’t always come naturally to everyone, there are some tips and tricks that we have perfected working in recruitment, which may help make your cold call a whole lot ‘warmer.’ Here’s one to get you started!

Introduce a candidate over the phone

Want to demonstrate credibility and show that you’ve done your research ahead of the call? Then, do it! Before you make a business development call, preparation is key. There is nothing more frustrating than mapping your market for a few weeks/months identifying leads if you manage to fluff up the call in the first five minutes, either saying the wrong thing or not enough of the right thing. Confidence helps wins business (and there is a difference between confidence and arrogance) so if you are fully equipped with the right resources and knowledge that allows you to confidently discuss the brand in question and introduce them to someone they don’t already know that could add serious value, it’s all gravy!

Where to start:

Put your feet in the shoes of the hiring manager. If you had received a call about a job specification you’ve already advertised, asking questions about the candidates you’ve already rejected whilst being pitched a service that you’ve yet to trial and that’s going to cost you money, you may feel reluctant to say yes and I don’t blame you. But, if you’ve taken a call about a job specification you’ve already advertised with a candidate that matches your requirements, that fits into the culture you’ve worked hard to develop, therefore demonstrating the extra mile the recruiter is prepared to go should you be interested in their services, you may wish to arrange an interview with that person, right? Start as you mean to go on.

Resources to consider:

Internal Expertise: Have any of your team worked in the industry you recruit in? At GKR London we have several ex-industry professionals in our team and there is a lot to understand from their first-hand experience of working for a company that you otherwise wouldn’t know as an ‘outsider.’

LinkedIn Recruiter: If you are lucky enough to have access to one of these licenses, I hope you are utilising Insights! LinkedIn Recruiter Insights gives you access to hiring trends and strategies that the company in question may not even be aware of, whether it’s a specific degree, geographical remit or even soft skill, this is where to find out and increase your chances of success.  

Property News: Off the top of my head, I could list at least ten online publications that provide property news, company insights, award winners and more. Subscribe to three or four that appeal to your sector the most to stay up to date. This will assist you when demonstrating credibility as well as possibly provide you with a glimpse into a new opportunity to add value. For example, if you learn there is going to be an acquisition or merge of two companies, it’s prime time to begin having conversations around a hiring strategy to replace those who may be reluctant to change.

What not to do:

Before enquiring speculatively, make sure you have obtained the candidates’ permission! It won’t reflect very well on you if the client is interested in interviewing the candidate, if the candidate then decides they are not interested!

Although I could probably go on and on here, use your common sense and remember it’s your own personal reputation you are developing, as much as the company you work for, too! GKR London are actively recruiting into Real Estate, New Homes, Commercial Property, Land & Acquisitions, Office Support & Executive Search.

Tel: 0207 048 3304