A year of growth and positivity in the property market

What a difference a year makes—that’s certainly what it feels like. Even though we might not be in “peak” market conditions, the property recruitment world has definitely levelled up.  

Compare the current market to this time last year, and the Residential Team has made 30+ more placements between January 1st – June 30th 

There’s a clear resurgence in the market from our developer clients, who are more actively looking for talent. It’s been refreshing to hear about new developments in the pipeline, which feels like a long time coming. After being at the Scottish Home Awards last month, it does feel as though there’s a spring in the step from a wide range of developers across the North of England and Scotland who are seeing greater consistency in the market. 

The improvement in the market can also be seen with GKR registering approximately a 10-15% increase in Senior Management positions. There was clear intent last year to sit and wait from the wider market, however we can now see the tables being turned with several key clients looking to expand or push forward with internal promotions leading the way for that vacating seat to be filled.  

But, what does this mean for you - the jobseeker? 

It’s the most competitive candidate job market that I can remember. As a desk, candidate registrations have increased by almost 30% between the same dates (January 1st – June 30th). For every new job, there are arguably 2-3 extra candidates who will be meeting the same Hiring Manager before or after you. 

Not to state the obvious, but if you are in jobseeker mode, be prepared and go the extra mile. You should be researching who you’re meeting, you should know everything about the business you’re meeting, but you should also understand why you’re meeting them. The landscape has changed from a couple of years ago as “big ticket” offices aren’t as available as before and our candidates are having to work harder for their deals. We’ve seen a 20% increase in our candidates now looking to join companies that can show a clear growth plan, an improved commission structure, or an improved work/life balance instead of a higher basic salary. 

Further Success!! 

GKR and especially the Residential Team have seen a 20% increase in retained mandates from new and existing clients. Personally, I see this as a clear indicator that there is confidence in the market to hire. Our client base wants to partner with us to help them navigate an extremely competitive landscape, allowing our clients to focus their time and energy on their day-to-day duties. 

To cap a fantastic start to the year, it was an incredibly proud moment for everyone at GKR International to be nominated for the category “Best Candidate Care,” showcasing our dedication to facilitating seamless candidate journeys and offering first-class recruitment experiences at the Recruiter Awards. Hopefully, this is also a clear message that we truly care about property and the property recruitment sector. 

Here’s to another positive 6 months in the run-up to what could be a very interesting market in 2025.

Contact Michael Woda, Partner on 02070483304 or email michael@gkrinternational.com.