Michael Woda

Posts by Michael Woda for Blog

A year of growth and positivity in the property market

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What a difference a year makes—that’s certainly what it feels like. Even though we might not be in “peak” market conditions, the property recruitment world has definitely levelled up.  

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The art of working exclusively.

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The amount of times that I’ve heard, “I’ve spoken to a couple of other recruiters and not heard back” or “My CV has been sent out to a few agencies,…

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What a difference a year makes….

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The headline on the front page of the Evening Standard earlier this week (January 20th) was, “Housing Market is back with a Bang” and behind the scenes at GKR London…

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The reason to plan ahead.

I seem to have said this a lot over the past few weeks, however regardless of what may or may not be happening outside of our four walls and with…

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What Brexit?

What brexit

As I write this blog the phrase “doom and gloom” springs to mind; it’s the middle of January, its cold and wet and any sunshine is (generally) nowhere to be…

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