Tag: Property News

Election impact on Sustainable Design: shaping the Built Environment's future

The built environment, encompassing architecture, urban planning, and sustainable design, stands at a pivotal juncture following the latest general election.

The post-election outlook for Property Management and Professional Services

With the announcement of Labour's win in the UK's general election, attention now turns to how the new government's policies will shape the landscape of property management and professional services…

Labour's Housing agenda: What it means for Homebuyers and Investors

As the dust settles on the recent general election, the UK's residential real estate market is poised for potential shifts that could impact both homebuyers and investors alike.

A year of growth and positivity in the property market

What a difference a year makes—that’s certainly what it feels like. Even though we might not be in “peak” market conditions, the property recruitment world has definitely levelled up.  

London property market "pre-election"

Employers and jobseekers can benefit from staying informed about evolving policies and market trends to optimise real estate decisions and capitalise on emerging opportunities.

The impact of Leasehold Reform

With the promise of increased rights and protections for homeowners, there arises a need for skilled professionals who can navigate these changes effectively, providing invaluable expertise and guidance to clients and organisations alike. 

What to expect in Real Estate this summer

As we look ahead to the summer months, the real estate market is poised for growth and transformation. At GKR International, we're committed to supporting our clients and partners in navigating these exciting developments and unlocking new opportunities in the real estate market.

The Renters (Reform) Bill in the spotlight.

At its core, this legislative proposal aims to overhaul the existing framework governing tenant-landlord relationships by introducing sweeping changes, chief among them being the abolition of Section 21 'no fault' evictions.

Scotland's initiative to address unsafe cladding

In a move mirroring the Building Safety Levy introduced under the Building Safety Act 2022 in England, the Scottish government is poised to instate a similar tax mechanism aimed at raising an estimated £5 billion from developers held responsible for hazardous buildings.

UK general election puts affordable housing in the spotlight

The election debates are fostering a national conversation about housing that is long overdue. Regardless of which party comes into power, the focus on housing should continue, with a sustained effort to implement effective policies and address the underlying challenges.

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